Keep on top of your travel spending.

Wanderlust has all the tools you need to manage your travel budget and expenses.

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Wanderlust app on a Pixel 3a

Add expenses on the fly

Create expenses quickly and easily with pre-filled data based on your location. Get up-to-date currency exchange rates, choose your own expense categories, split expenses across multiple dates and more.

Wanderlust screenshot of the today page

Graphs visually break down your spending by category, country and over time

With both a pie graph for category spending info and a bar graph to see how your spending is tracking over time, you get an in-depth view into your expense trends and can see where you should cut back or when you can afford to splurge on that once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Wanderlust screenshot of a trip summary

Display your purchases on a map

See how much ground you've covered with an interactive map showing you where each transaction was made. With Wanderlust Premium, you can even search for specific places and businesses.

Wanderlust screenshot of a map

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